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How it works

As you may probably know, our immune system is a defense system concisting of a variety of biological structures and processes that protect living organisms from disease. To do that, it has to be able to detect a large number of pathogens; viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. Moreover, it has to be able to distinguish between those pathogens and healthy tissue. Unfortunately, many different things can weaken our immune system: disease, age, hereditary disorders and injuries, but also the consequences of many psychological problems. 


Phyt           is made of several  different plants and herbs with proven medicinal properties, such as garlic. On average, a plant contains 2,500 to 5,000 molecules, some of which have been demonstrated to have therapeutic effects.



Allium sativum: Allium sativum is the scientific name for garlic. This plant has been used for at least 7,000 years to not also add taste to a dish, but also to unleash its inherent medicinal properties. For example, several studies have shown garlic can lower bad cholesterol levels, while sufficient garlic consumption may also lower the risk to contract several types of cancer, as well as boost the immune system.


Links to scientific abstracts:


Antiviral potential of garlic (Allium sativum) and its organosulfur compounds

Echinacea purpurea: Echinacea is a genus that, as a herb, is often used to combat, amongst other illnesses, the common cold.


Links to scientific abstracts:


Matricaria chamomilla: This plant, which is also known as chamomile, distinguishes itself from anthemis by the absence of scales in the flower head. It's one of the oldest known herbs known by humanity. Matricaria chamomilla has been used to fight a multitude of diseases and disorders, including hey fever, inflammation, muscle aches, menstrual pains, sleeplessness, ulcers, wounds, intestinal problems, rheumatism, diabetes and hemorrhoids. Naturally, there is a large body of research to choose from, including:


Viola tricolor: The tricolour violet has been used to treat a variety of disorders, including respiratory tract problems, heart failure, chest cramps and thoracic inflammation. It is praised for its antibacterial properties, as is evident in the following research:



Triticum repens (kweekgras): The last ingredient used in Phyt              obviously has medicinal properties as well, all of which have gone through extensive scientific evaluation. A thorough report can be found here: 


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